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:load1 darkbold.f16
:load2 heading1.p16
:font 1
:lpi 9
:font 0
:lpi 6
Error and prompt messages from the three programs
contained in FONTASTIC are included in this
appendix. Under each program, the messages are
listed in alphabetical sequence by the first word
in the message.
:font 2
:font 0
="Allocate New Font File" =
This prompt appears on the main menu screen anytime
a file name has been selected which is not a valid
file name. If you so chose, the specified file may
be allocated on the selected drive by pressing the
F9 key. If the file name was entered in error, you
simply correct the error and proceed to the detail
="Character Deleted"=
This is the verification response to selecting the
Delete function for the currently displayed
="Define New Font" =
This is displayed upon selecting an empty font file
or when adding a new character via the "MASK"
function or when reading to the end of the selected
font file with the "NEXT" function.
="Diskette Full !!!!" =
This error will inform you that an attempt to write
a newly defined character to the selected diskette
has failed because of a "full" condition. Should
this occur, you should terminate IHSFONT and
correct the full condition by deleting some files
off the selected diskette or by using another
="Enter Defining Character" =
This prompt is issued when the "SAVE"(F1) function
has been selected. It allows you to select any of
the 255 possible ASCII characters to be replaced by
the character being defined. Once entered, IHSFONT
will display the character and the decimal numeric
equivalent for that character.
:font 1
:lpi 9
:font 0
:lpi 6
="Enter MASK Character I.D." =
This prompt is issued when the "MASK"(F9) function
is selected. You should enter the defining
character for a previously defined font character.
IHSFONT will scan the font file to locate that
character and display it in the cell, allowing you
to utilize that character form in defining a new
character. If the MASK character selected is not a
valid character in the font file, IHSFONT will
display the "Define New Font" prompt.
="Enter Selection Character"=
This prompt is issued when the "SLCT"(F6) function
is selected. This allows you to specify a defining
character to be displayed for editing. If the
character specified is valid in the font file,
IHSFONT will scan the file and display that
character in the cell. If the character specified
is NOT a valid character, IHSFONT will display the
"Invalid Selection Character" prompt.
="Font Image Saved" =
This is the normal verification prompt after the
"SAVE" function is utilized.
="Function Key - UNDEFINED" =
This prompt is issued when a function key is
pressed with not defined function. Refer to the
bottom line of the displayed screen for the
specified functions and the associated function
="Illegal File Identifier"=
This error message is issued from the main MENU
screen upon selecting a "FILE" function where the
selected generic forms was illegal. Simply review
the input and make the appropriate corrections.
:font 1
:lpi 9
:font 0
:lpi 6
="Invalid File Name" =
This error message is issued from the main MENU
screen upon selecting a font file for processing
and the form is invalid. Correct the syntax
problem and continue.
="Invalid Selection Character" =
This prompt is issued when a character is specified
for the "SLCT" function and it is not a valid
character in the current file. The operator should
make the proper correction and try the function
="Maximum Number of Records" =
This error is issued any time you attempt to add a
new character to a file that exceeds the maximum
255 limit. Because all defined characters must be
associated with one of 255 possible ASCII
characters, a maximum of 255 characters may be
:font 1
:lpi 9
:font 0
:lpi 6
:font 2
:font 0
="Filename Missing"=
You have not specified a file name on the main
option menu.
="File Not Found"=
The filespec you specified on the main option menu
could not be found on the specified (or default)
disk drive. Make sure the correct diskette is in
the specified drive and try again.
="Invalid File Name"=
The filespec you specified on the main option menu
is invalid. You have perhaps used a special
character which DOS does not allow in a filespec.
="PAUSE - Press any key to continue"=
This message is displayed when the PAUSE option has
been selected or when an error message is
generated. You can continue by pressing any key.
="Unable to load Alternate Font file xxxxxxxx.xxx"=
IHSPRINT attempted to load an alternate font file
into it's internal tables in response to a :LOADx
Control Word and could not find the font file on
the diskette in the specified (or default) drive.
At this point, you might want to cancel the
printing operation (F10) and either insert the
proper diskette or correct the filespec on the
:LOADx Control Word.
:font 1
:lpi 9
:font 0
:space 3
:lpi 6
:font 2
:font 0
:space 3
="Both font tables must be loaded"=
A request to perform a MERGE operation could not be
done because both font tables must be loaded.
="File Not Found"=
The filespec you entered in response to a LOAD
request could not be found on the diskette in the
specified (or default) disk drive.
="Font table scales not compatible"=
A request to perform a MERGE operation could not be
done because scales of the two loaded fonts were
not the same. They must both be either scale 1 or
scale 2.
="Specified table not loaded"=
A request to proportionalize a font could not be
done because the specified table was not load with
a font. Do a LOAD function first, then proceed.